Monday, July 22, 2013

Western banksters fund WWIII: Analyst


Sat Jul 20, 2013 9:19AM
Interview with Ken O’Keefe
What is most important for everyone to realize, I think and more people are realizing this, is that the people that in power which I bring right back to the banksters, those who control the issuance of money are the ones who basically instigate these wars, they often fund every side of the war; it is big business for them but more importantly right now, more than ever they need a third world war.’
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Press TV has conducted an interview with Ken O’Keefe, former US marine, from London, over recent developments in Syria, including bombing Lebanon from Syrian land and US stance on military strike against the crisis-hit country.

What follows is a rough transcription of the interview.

Press TV: This US wing, whether to use military force in Syria, I was really ...when I heard about this and then saw which General [Martin] Dempsey was saying, Kinetic Strikes.

Tell us your impression, you reaction to this; tell us what these are, because based on some of the researches have done it sounds pretty heavy to have effects of nuclear bomb without uranium, I think. Will you perhaps explain more on it?

O’Keefe: I think the first thing we need to realize is this world is being run by those who can only be considered psychopaths and literally every sane person in this world does not want a war and certainly does not want to attempt the third world war(WWIII).

We have to understand that military strike on Syria will involve Russia. Russia has made very very clear that they would not sit by and allow yet another country to be bombarded and effectively raped and pillaged in terms with the empires’ designs. It will not allow this to happen.

So, we are threatening a third world war by even thinking usingmilitary intervention, whatever it is, whether it is using some high tech weapons, secretly weapons and whatnot; the bottom line is that we are attempting the third world war.

What is most important for everyone to realize, I think and more people are realizing this, is that the people that in power which I bring right back to the banksters, those who control the issuance of money are the ones who basically instigate these wars, they often fund every side of the war; it is big business for them but more importantly right now, more than ever they need a third world war.

There is an incentive and motivation to create third world war, because more people around the world, whether it is Brazil, whether it is Turkey, whether its many parts of the world right now, where people are rising up and realizing, you know what, this system of economic and slavement, this system of ongoing perpetual war is a nonsustainable system that threatens the existence of all life on Planet Earth.

At the end of the day, these people who are in power, the banksters in particular are the ones pulling the strings for third world war; because they need to keep the people divided and that is really what is happening here and what is really being revealed.

It is despite the manpower of these individuals, the psychopaths, despite their immense power they are losing. They are losing; they are not able to carry out the agenda they see both for Syria and Iran and thank god for that.

Press TV: Ken O’keefe, your reaction to [the other guest of the program] Lee Kapleen’s statements.

O’Keefe: The first thing would have to be is that I did not say anything personal, but my name change was very public, there is nothing secret about it. My grandmother was born and raised in Ireland and I am very much Irish.

Now, Lee Kapleen, I would say if we are going to be personal about it, I would consider you... You would do anything that your power brokers tell you to say and ultimately what you are doing when you are talking about Russia are getting involved and all of these external issues, all you are trying to do is to justify what the powers to be, those paymasters who put you in position of influence, they are only giving you those orders, because ultimately that is their agenda and it is the only way that they can maintain their system.

I do not believe for one second, that you believe anything you say. Really, what you are doing is selling your soul to the devil....and you will say anything and everything it means that you continue to have this position of influence in power, which they give to you....

Syria is about probably the best country in the Middle East for the Palestinians in terms of having any kind of rights and actually being able to own a home and getting a job and so on and so forth.

I know people in Syria including family members who are of my current wife and ultimately they had probably a better existence in that country than just about any country you could name.

Say a country like Saudi Arabia. I would like to hear you say some honest things about Saudi Arabia; a country which has the most virulent form of anti-Islamic belief system of Wahhabism, in which human rights are disrespected in every which way possible and which the country you basically serve the empire as it were; the country that you serve arms to the teeth with the latest and high-tech weapons; but you do not have a problem with that.

Are you endorsing an invasion and a NATO bombing of Saudi Arabia to get rid of that human rights violating country? No, you are not. Do you have any respect for a country like Iran for instance, which has not attacked another country for at least two centuries and which in fact have the gut to actually oust a puppet regime, in the name of Shah of Iran?

They had the nerve to get rid of our puppet. They have not attacked another country in over two hundred years and only were involved in one war which was against [ousted president of Iraq] Saddam Hussein, our attack dog.

Shame on you for saying that I supported Saddam Hussein; it is the same government you serve right now that supported Saddam Hussein, not only while he was killing and torturing his own people but also while he was gassing the Kurds and also gassing Iranians with Sarin gas and other things...

Press TV: I am going to have your reaction. I am going to ask you to keep it brief, because what Lee Kapleen did was a character assassination on you; but let’s keep it brief, because I have to grant you that rebuttal, but then we want to move on to the subject of Syria; go ahead Ken O’keefe.

O’Keefe: Yeah, Absolutely;...I have put my life on the line many times over with no pay whatsoever and you have the nerve to acquit you are supporting dictatorships. You as a servant of the empire are tainting the maintenance of a system of tyranny which is violating people; left, right, center, all around the world. We haven in the businesses of supporting dictators like Saddam Hussein and so many other ....dictators around the world and all the world, you have been nothing more than a mouth piece for the system of tyranny.

Shame on you, shame on all like you, all the minions, the main stream media that have perpetuated these lies sassily and shame on.... others within the movement are supposed to be helping people for spreading slanderous lies about me or anybody else.

The fact is that this system is dying and just like this agenda in Syria is not going according to the plan, people like you are going to be held to account for all of the lies and the suffering that it comes to reckoning for the lies you have been telling for far too long.

You, believe me, will pay as this world continues to move in the right direction and the truth be told, you will be seen... as a servant of tyranny; plain and simple...

Getting back to Syria ... Al-Qaeda is nothing more than a creation of the CIA;we all know this; this is not even debatable in intelligence circles.

Al-Qaeda has been the greatest gift to this tyrannical agenda, the empire for over twelve years now. It was the gift that we could blame 11/9.

11/9 was clearly an inside job, Mossad was involved, and also the corrupt, tyrannous leaders with in the United States’ military stance and what not, we all know the truth about 11/9; the full classic false flag operation used to blame al-Qaeda, a creation of the CIA and instigate wars, continuing rape and plunder now of Afghanistan and Iraq.

We have now plundered those two countries to the tune of two million dead Iraqis, millions of orphans and refugees; totally destroyed the country of Afghanistan and Iraq.

Now, we are continuing this al-Qaeda game, which we now know ...., what is al-Qaeda? How many have they attacked Israel? That would be a big zero; why? Because the CIA effectively controls the idiots who claim to be fighting for al-Qaeda and also al-Qaeda, along with Israel, with the United States, the empire; there is no debate about this right now.

Israel has attacked Syria; al-Qaeda is attacking Syria; al-Nusra Front is attacking Syria and the US, if it had its way, would have been attacking Syria; you know why? Because all of them are in the same side; al-Qaeda , al-Nusra Front, Israel and the United States and Britain, all of them are combined, they are one and the same; each plays one certain role but they all fight for the same agenda and this ...Kapleen is nothing more than a mouth piece for this agenda.

Those of us who can see and actually think have any honor and integrity, actually can see this game for what it is. It is only these minions that continue to spout this rubbish and it will not be much longer before these people are thrown into the rubbish bin of history...

Press TV: You have thirty seconds in closing.

O’Keefe:... we all know those who got a rise opened that building 7 smoking gun. Those buildings did not come down by nineteen hijackers...


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